Physics Video Lecture
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Motion in One Dimension (Lectures 2-9)
Duration: 28.00 Min
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Duration: 34.02 Min
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Duration: 31.33 Min
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Duration: 43.32 Min
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Duration: 29.14 Min
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Duration: 27.58 Min
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  2. In S-4 , graph 3 how is velocity increasing from time t1 to t2? As the angle is obtuse, shouldn't it be decreasing?
    10 months ago by

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  4. in S4 graph 1 to make distance time graph if we make the mirror image of the graph then the final graph will have zero distance at T2 and T4 how is that practically possible
    2 years ago by

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  6. sir u tell us that if v flip -ve part of x-t and v-t curve then it will give distance-t and speed-t . my que. is how to convert distance/speed-time into displacement/velocity-t curve?
    3 years ago by Ravi Jangid

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  8. sir ye 2022 jee ke liye hai
    3 years ago by Shibu Kumar

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