Physics Video Lecture
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Video Lectures

High School/JEE/NEET/IPhO Physics | 17-19 Yrs

Geometrical Optics
  2. Why you have taken l=d , l and d are diffrent variables. Please help me .
    6 years ago by undefined

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  4. sir in the above problem is d=L ?
    6 years ago by Anameeka Saraf

    Post your answer here

  6. is the answer wrong? should it not be AB/(2d+l)
    10 years ago by Pranavvoid
    Ans 1 ->
    I too think so here is some mistake but i will just ignore this and carry mistakes happen by humans
    8 years ago by Irshad Ahmed Khan
    Ans 2 ->
    7 years ago by Subhajit Dey

    Post your answer here