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Video Lectures

High School/JEE/NEET/IPhO Physics | 17-19 Yrs

KTG and Thermodynamics
  2. SIR, if a thermodynamic process is represented by a P vs V curve where P and V are not considered on perpendicular axis, how to compute work done in that case? the symbols stand for their usual meaning.
    6 years ago by satya

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  4. Sir, why change in volume is l times delta s?
    10 years ago by Navneeth
    Ans 1 ->
    Here when the pistons displace by l, at the side of large piston volume increases by S1(l) and at the side of smaller piston volume reduces by S2(l) so change in volume (total expansion) willb e (l) x (S1 - S2)
    10 years ago by Physics Galaxy
    Ans 2 ->
    8 years ago by jeevan99
    Ans 3 ->
    Because the change in volume is 1times delta s
    7 years ago by Anmol Mishra

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